Archive: January 2009 | View all recent posts
Greetings from Italy
WHAT: Personal | WHEN: January 30, 2009
No time to talk... only 2% battery remaining, so here's a few quick photos. MUCH more to come in the upcoming days when I get a better web connection and a charged battery.
Kylie and I are off to a cooking class in the Tuscan countryside near the city of Lucca. Ciao!
Project 365 - Day 23
WHAT: Project 365 (2009), Random | WHEN: January 22, 2009
Lots o' wedding prep stuff going on today, so not much time for photos. Here's a quick one, though, when I meandered through an alley while running around town. |
And it's not often I get my car washed at a place with a pink elephant as a mascot... wearing glasses no less. |
Project 365 - Day 22
WHAT: Project 365 (2009), Random | WHEN: January 22, 2009
Road triiiiiiip!! Today we hopped in the car bright and early to head for Indiana to get ready for Saturday. 12 hours, 814 miles and a couple thousand fast food calories later, and we're here. Everything went pretty smoothly, although I failed to fulfill my true road-tripper duties when for a reason still unknown to me, I passed on picking up the obligatory roady bag of Cheetos during a gas fill up stop in Missouri. I apologize, but I promise to make it up by eating 2 pieces of wedding cake.
Not a whole lot of camera action today, but I did grab this shot of the beautiful sunset that trailed us as we made our way through Illinois. |
Project 365 - Day 21
WHAT: Personal, Project 365 (2009) | WHEN: January 21, 2009
Talk about just in time... Kylie had mentioned a while back about how it would be nice to have the master bedroom redone and ready so that we could stay in there the first night after we get back from the wedding (I've been sleeping in a guest room saving the master for us for after the wedding). No big deal, I thought. That should be easy enough to get done. We've got plennnty o' time. Yeah, you know where this is headed.
Long story short, we got into this crazy cycle of going back and forth on what we wanted for bedding, and that, of course, would determine what we'd do for wall colors. We've got a few teensy tiny differences of opinion* when it comes to matters related to decor, so we were both a bit exhausted of the situation from time-to-time. On top of that, I basically dropped the ball on my responsibilities when fall photography session got into full swing, and I put painting the bedroom on the back burner. Basically, I was a schmutz. Anywho, a couple weeks ago we had a minor breakthrough [read: miracle of the magnitude of the parting of the Red Sea] when we stumbled upon some bedding we both felt we could live with while actually searching for some other bedding we had seen on-line.
Fast forward to last week. {wasn't this supposed to be long-story-short?} Kylie called a couple painters and we got a few quotes and ended up going with Carnival Custom Painting, and they were fan. tas. tic. Steve was so friendly, professional, and knowledgeable and made us feel very comfortable that they would do a great job. And they did. And the crew that came out to do the work was awesome... so nice, fast, clean and very diligent. We even came home to a bonus surprise and found the bed put together and the covers on it when they finished (the bed was disassembled when they started the job!). If you've got some rooms begging for a fresh coat of paint, show 'em some love give Steve a call and they'll hook you up.
Oh yeah, one small snafu... I didn't do due diligence in painting up some small swatches to see how they looked before picking final colors (I know, I know... cardinal sin of painting), so the first paint job they did on the master looked great in terms of workmanship... except the colors looked ridiculous. We musta been high on paint fumes before they started when we picked the colors... the folks from HGTV would not have approved. So after they painted the first time, we had them repaint the master bedroom and bath a 2nd time, and now it's SO much better.
Here's a 'before' image from when I first moved into the house. Nice shiny yellow/gold faux finish on crows feet texture. Oh, and the head on the wall was a nice touch, too, wasn't it? |
Here's the 'after' image from this morning with Kylie's furniture moved in. We're still missing a few beading pieces, and we've still got a lot of small touches to add to the room yet yet, but you get the idea. |
And the part I'm most happy about is that nasty crow's feet texture is now gone and replaced with this cool texture. |
We're off early in the morning to drive up to Indiana for the big day on Saturday! Project 365 posts will prolly be a bit patchy for the next several days, but you understand, right? |
Project 365 - Day 20
WHAT: Personal, Project 365 (2009) | WHEN: January 20, 2009
I was just walking around the other day and happened upon this sign. Nothing out of the ordinary... we all see this kind of sign every day. For some reason - maybe it was seeing my shadow in the foreground - this time it just stood out a little more until the analogy sank in... every day each of us has decisions to make. We can decide to go one direction down a familiar road sometimes repeating the same mistakes over and over. We can stay right where we are and live in indecision and analysis paralysis missing out on something bigger for fear of losing what we already have (or think we have). Or, we can choose to go in a new direction and experience something new and possibly far greater than we've ever experienced before.
I'll admit, more often than not I choose one of the first two options because it's easy and known, even if not fulfilling. I encourage you - and myself - to choose a different direction today. |