Archive: November 2008 | View all recent posts
Blizzard in Big D
WHAT: Fun | WHEN: November 10, 2008
This is the coolest man-made thing. Ever. Everrrrr.
Kylie was at a conference last week where there were some pretty brainy science teachers and equally brainy people showing off their goods for science teachers. So she casually mentions to me tonight as I'm torching our dinner on the grill, "Hey, wanna see this fake snow stuff?" My interest was only minimally aroused as I have never seen any fake snow that remotely looked like anything resembling real snow. I was fully expecting to see some lame felt-like snow that you'd find at Michaels or Hobby Lobby. You know the kind... the kind even Rudolph wouldn't turn yellow. I had set the bar for my expectations as low as said bar would go.
Sorry, sweetie... I wayyyy underestimated your magic dust. This stuff is fantastic. One little scoop + a couple ounces of water makes a hefty dose of real lookin', real smellin', [not yet sure if it's] real tastin' snow powder. Pure fluffy white genius. To some, you're probably thinkin', 'Okay, what's the big deal?... seriously." I'll tell you what's the big deal. It's real looking snow, people... in Texas! We don't do snow down here, y'all. Until now. I could play with this stuff for hours, and I probably will. The first time Kylie did her little demo, I was like, "Holy smokes, you gotta do that again!! This is blog material!" (Yes, we photographers now measure our lives at least partially by the amount of things/experiences that our blog-worthy). If you pick up some of this powder, one word of caution, though... similar to Gremlins, this stuff multiplies exponentially when it gets wet. So be careful, or you might end up havin' to dig the dog out of a couple feet of snow in the kitchen..
So at the conference the nice guys that make Insta-Snow gave Kylie a container full of it for free after she told them she was thinking about using some of this stuff for our wedding in Indiana this January. Apparently they just thought that was the coolest thing (pun intended?), so they just gave her some. Thanks Insta-Snow guys! You're the best.
I've already got a few ideas brewing of fun things to do with this stuff. In the meantime, here's the demo. Prepare to be amazed... |
Sweet Caroline
WHAT: Kids | WHEN: November 5, 2008
Now that you're humming the song in your head, say hello to Caroline. She. Is. Adorable. Lisa and Landry brought her to the park a couple of days ago to capture this precious time in her life, and the timing couldn't have been better scripted. The trees are starting to turn. The temperatures are perfect. I love this time of year. And, oh yeah, did I mention she was adorable?
Here's a few of my favorites from our session together. Thanks, Caroline, for making my job a breeze. |
Check out these stylin' little pants and shoes. Fun stuff, and perfect for her.. |
Caroline's grandma made this rockin' chair for her. |
This is such a cool image. I love the feel of the light coming through the trees and landing on her and the bench. |
I brought a little vintage fabric to the session just to try out something different. |
There's something I really like about this image. I think it's the feel of an old vintage b&w image from years gone by. Or maybe it's the scale where you have this little girl in this big world. Or maybe it's that it also has a touch of spookiness to it... "Redrum. Redrum." [grin] |
And finally a little parting shot. I think we should all wear underwear that matches our clothes and has our initials on it. Too cool. |