The Pearson ~ Family Time [Dallas Family Photographer]
WHAT: Families, Kids, Portraits |
WHEN: March 17, 2010
Now that the proverbial cats out of the bag and they've seen their images tonight at their viewing session, I'm stoked to share the Pearson's family images here on the blog. Stacey and Paige came in tonight, and we munched on some cookies (and some cookie dough for me before they got there - shhh...), sat back and enjoyed the show.
Paige and Stacey are truly the reason I enjoy what I do so much. Just. Good. Peoples. Big hearts and even bigger faith. Due to some truly heartbreaking circumstances where Stacey lost his brother Gregg to cancer in 2003 and Paige unexpectedly lost her best friend Jenny to a sudden illness just a couple weeks ago, they are so genuinely appreciative of what these images mean for their family now and in the years to come. I love people who get it, and Stacey & Paige get it. These are precious and fleeting moments in their lives - in all of our lives - and they now have some memoirs to remember this time in their journey. It's certainly a sweet moment for Paige because being a photographer and, of course, the designated family photographer, she's rarely in the photos with Stacey and the kids.
Sorry for the trip down Sentimental Lane... maybe it's the sappy music playing on Pandora as I type this post. I can't say enough good things, though, about this family.
We had beautiful weather, beautiful light, and a beautiful time just playing outdoors at historic Chestnut Square in McKinney on Saturday. Here are some of my favorites from our time with the Pearsons.
Sweet moment with Stacey and Emaline.
I was having a staring contest with Parker. Look at that face. I had no chance.
Love the expression on Paige's face in this Spanish lesson with little Bowden.
Emaline's a natural in front of the camera. She could bust out a few princess looks on command... or not on command.
Did I say we had amazing light?? While I emphasized the color in this image, the light and shadow on Parker's face and the catchlights in his eyes are all natural.
Emaline's eyes are uh-may-zing.
Such a quirky image with Parker's dead pan look and Emaline's expression... priceless.
Parker's got his serious, GQ look nailed. And I love the golden sun backlighting him as it was setting.
I didn't realize it at the time I took it, but this serendipitously turned out to be such a meaningful image for Paige. Her friend Jenny's daughter, Malaya, was given a buterfly necklace by her school, and Jenny was so touched by the idea and what it repressented that she bought a butterfly necklace for herself, and she decided to wear it to brign a little bit of Jenny into the session. Parker was also very close to Jenny, and at some point after she went home to Jesus, Paige explained to Parker and the kids that the butterfly necklace was symbolic of Jenny being in a cocoon for now but that one day when they see her again in heaven she will have blossomed into a beautiful butterfly. Paige teared up when she saw this image and how sweetly Parker was holding the butterfly so sweetly. I feel fortunate to have been in there in that moment to capture it.
A little off-camera flash to wrap up our session
Thanks, Stacey and Paige for allowing us the opportunity to create these memories of you guys and the kiddos!