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38 and counting (down)...
Birthdays have kinda been just 'happening' for me the last few years.
While generally they've been good days, there's been no real milestones
or life changing epiphanies. This year's a bit different for me,
though, as it's my last birthday B.C. (before children). It's kind of
an odd feeling really. I'm completely consumed with anticipation and
excitement and yet utterly terrified and even numb in thinking about how
my life and Kylie's life is about to change in just over 5 months from
now. Most days I have visions of the awesome dad I hope to be and how much fun I'm going to have as well as delusions about how easy I hope it will be, but I'd be kidding myself if I didn't admit there are just as many days I worry about all the things I feel unprepared and unqualified for... all the things I could fail at as a dad. The good news (sort of) is that, for better or worse, fear of failure is often the most powerful motivator for me. I realize that's not always healthy, and there is no way to avoid failure except to avoid taking any chances at all which, in the end, is arguably avoiding living at all. However, there's no denying that fear of failure that resides within is me has without question been the catalyst that has pushed me in the important moments in my life to be better than I thought I could. And now I only hope the same is true of becoming a father. Today has been a great birthday. Thanks so much to all of you who stopped by, called, emailed, Facebooked, etc. on this day. I can't express how thankful I am to be so fortunate. And to my wife, I love you today. And tomorrow. And every day after that. You are more than I deserve, and I'm blessed beyond measure to call you my wife. And to my unborn child, I can only imagine the day next April we finally get to meet you. |