The Parkers, et al ~ McKinney Family Photographer
WHAT: Families |
WHEN: December 9, 2010 |
WHERE: McKinney, TX
A little over 3 years ago, Vicki Parker called me about photographing her daughter Blaire's bridal images. That was one of the very first bridal sessions I'd done, and it was a ton of fun for me... and hopefully Blaire [grin]. Since then, Vicki and I have kept in touch, and she and her husband Allen have become the proud grandparents of Stella and Magnus. Sweet Stella is the daughter of Steve & Blaire, and mighty Magnus is the son of Eric & Samantha. A couple weeks ago we met up for a session with the whole gang since everyone was in town, and here's a few of my favorite images from our afternoon in McKinney.
Handsome little Magnus.
Steve & Blair with adorable Stella.
Love this image of Stella and grandpa Allen.
Sweet image of Eric & Magnus.
Fun image of Magnus (if you can see him... he's hidden with his rockin' camo).
Love Stella's expression here...
... and Magnus' expression here.
The grandparental units with the kiddos!
I like the casualness of this image with (L to R) Allen, Magnus, Stella, Vicki, Samantha, Eric, Steve and Blaire.