A couple weeks ago I had a chance to catch up with the Debnars to capture of few images for their family. Mom Kristin actually bought her husband Mike the gift of photography via a gift certificate last year for Christmas. I can't think of a better gift for the family for the holidays. Seriously.
20 years from now, the kids aren't going to care about the shoes, games, iPads, dolls, underwear, etc. you get them for Christmas this year (although I highly recommend getting them underwear just to see the disappointment on their face). And your wife, sadly, won't cherish the earrings you got her. Again. Because you spent 4 minutes thinking about what to get her and remembered she didn't throw you out of the house the year before when you got her earrings. (All the men out there, say it with me: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it.) And wives, you know it doesn't matter what you buy your husband for Christmas because he won't remember what you got him by the first of February anyway, let alone 20 years from now.
Sooo, why not find a photographer you like and invest in capturing the story of your family at this moment in time. I promise you, your kids will cherish that gift more than anything you can buy them. Maybe not this year (although a photography session might actually seem less disappointing than underwear), or even next, but one day they'll count those images as some of their most valuable possessions. And as parents, you know all too well that your kids change and grow so fast, and as much as we'd like to hit the pause button sometimes, unfortunately time marches on. Documenting your family in images is just as much a gift to you as it is your kids.
Ok, wow... I got all sentimental there for a moment, didn't I? Back to regularly scheduled programming...
When Kristin and I were talking about locations for their session, she mentioned there was a creek in their neighborhood that they occasionally go to with the kids. Jackpot. Not only was it a new place for me to shoot at, it was meaningful to their family. And with the trees changing colors, it was an easy decision.
Here are my favorites from their session.