Wendy Virtue Zoe is adorable! These pics are amazing. Dec 22, 2008 ~ 11:14am
april todd How in the world do you have such steady hands at that SS?! Love the pics, very cool! Dec 21, 2008 ~ 12:05pm
Rachel Logan Well, call you Mr. Fancypants with your awesome ISOs.... I love the shot of the dog...so hilarious. Dec 19, 2008 ~ 7:58pm
courtney Oh I just got the craziest image in my head after reading the mop comment. LOL She's adorable! Makes me want a puppy :) Great pictures, you have a very steady hand! I can never get such crisp shots at 1/20th shutter speed.
Dec 19, 2008 ~ 3:30pm
Paula I might be a die-hard Canon fan. . .but you are making me think about cheating on my brand with all of this ISO talk!
:o) Dec 19, 2008 ~ 8:40am
kendra Keep bragging about those high ISOs Matt. One of these days you'll make my husband understand why I *need* a camera that costs that much. And I'm just dreaming of the D700!!!
Dec 18, 2008 ~ 10:26pm
Mollie Kendall Ha, did you complain about noise in there somewhere?? I could only wish.....
Dec 18, 2008 ~ 3:46pm
Chung Nguyen Aww, Zoe. Poor baby. At least she enjoyed the walk, yes?
Dec 18, 2008 ~ 1:53pm
Monica Oh, Zoe. Dangerous work hangin' with a photographer boasting about high ISOs...poor thing. Love that last image though. Dec 18, 2008 ~ 1:37pm
Karen i know, kim! it's so not fair!
Dec 18, 2008 ~ 10:35am
kimbrali youre such a show off matt! you think your so fancy with your high isos!
Dec 18, 2008 ~ 9:41am
Dianna Cute dog....poor little thing.
Dec 18, 2008 ~ 8:39am