michele Happy Happy Birthday Kylie! :) May 19, 2008 ~ 10:39am
Schrode Bro - you in a cowboy hat above? You are such the sellout.... put on an OSU cap and show your true colors, will ya?
May 18, 2008 ~ 10:00pm
Schrode BRA (as opposed to BRO...or Manzierre for that matter....): Happy B-Day Kylie!
Reagan can't wait to meet you! Come visit us in Ohio SOON! - Schrode, Preston, and Reagan May 18, 2008 ~ 9:59pm
Paula Happy Birthday Kylie!!
May 18, 2008 ~ 8:12pm
Kylie Thank you! I'll eat some cake and ice cream for you. May 18, 2008 ~ 12:13pm