Deb Matt, Hi, I am Kylie's Dad's secretary for the past 20 yrs, and Matt, I have been enjoying your art work, yes art it is amazing, you are truly the photographer I only dream I could be you have a wonderful talent, and an eye for what truly is! You capture the true essence of anything you shoot! Matt keep it coming , I got have my fix! May 24, 2008 ~ 8:23am
kendra Kris is right Paula. I can't do anything close to this with my Nikon! Your photos are absolutely fantastic, Matt. I've really enjoyed the tour.
May 19, 2008 ~ 8:34pm
Melissa Jill :) Love the cobblestone trail one with the bus in the background--it's a "framer."
May 19, 2008 ~ 2:07pm
Monica It's so much fun watching you capture what you are seeing and feeling on your trip. You must be loving "seeing" in new ways. I appreciate your taking the time to take us along with you in these beautiful images. May 19, 2008 ~ 1:10pm
michele Very cool to see Berlin through your eyes. Your composition is incredible. May 19, 2008 ~ 10:42am
Shelley Rankin I am enjoying your images so much. You are truly talented and you are capturing some fantastic memories and beautiful images. You have made me want to visit there for sure.
May 19, 2008 ~ 9:40am
Paula {sigh}
I told Kris that looking at your travel photos made me want to run out and trade in my Canon for a Nikon.
Kris smiled and said, "somehow, I don't really think it has anything to do with the camera, hun."
And he is SO right. Amazing photographs Matt.
May 19, 2008 ~ 9:19am
Schrode Bro - glad to see you were able to get some more history in there to appease your history teaching friend :) Man, your photos TRULY make me want to go to Europe - the "country of Europe" as some of my students say..... geesh..... to which my response is, "and the capital is????" :)
Can't wait to hear about your adventure! May 19, 2008 ~ 5:27am