Jamie  Matt... I meeaann seriously... you rock the house on fine art photography... like you could live off selling these shots in art festivals ect. You inspire me to shoot more on trips. :)  May 23, 2008 ~ 3:52pm
Matt  Thanks, Dan (and thanks, Melissa!). When I travel, I usually just take my Nikon D3 and a couple lenses (for this trip I had the 24-70mm f/2.8 and a 14-24mm f/2.8) and a little bit of Lightroom & Photoshop love on my MacBook. HTH!  May 22, 2008 ~ 11:47pm
DanCL  It's incredible to see the eye that you have to make these pictures. I'm pretty happy to discover you by Melissa Jill's blog [thanks Melissa!]. This is the first time that my RSS manager shows me some news from your blog since I added you and PUFF!!! wow! and what a blog design... congrats! you have it ;) a question: what's in your photo bag when you go out to come back with THIS? thanks!  May 22, 2008 ~ 10:44pm
Melissa Jill :)  Great post Matt! I love the window changing shot--so great. Looks like you have tons of good framable shots for your house. Oh--and I totally relate the the "painting party" comment. I'm the friend who always throws the party though! I'll make sure to add you to the list next time I have one so you can put those shirts to good use :). AND--how perfect are those chocolates?  May 22, 2008 ~ 1:30pm
kendra  I think someone needs to re-write the thesaurus. All the good adjectives got used up on your trip and I think we're probably all getting a little self-conscious about saying, "Wow!" or "Amazing!" over and over again. The mannequin photo is a hoot! Love the dude on the right who looks like he's trying to be discreet.  May 22, 2008 ~ 11:17am
Dianna  Wow, wow, and wow. I love your work, truly. I think my favorite ones were the first one you showed (the landscape of the church?) and the one of the stairs through the vaulted entrance. You have a great eye.  May 22, 2008 ~ 8:01am
New York City Wedding Photographer  Now I want to visit Berlin to see all of my friends. Great shots. Love the mug and the window display! p.s. great t-shirt Peace, Parris Whittingham - New York City Wedding Photographer  May 22, 2008 ~ 7:46am