Erin Carlyle This made me giggle...too cute!
Jun 4, 2009 ~ 9:52am
Molly W. Haha, that's awesome, love it! So Matt, I'm here in Rome and I keep thinking to myself "Matt took an awesome picture of that! Why am I taking one then?!" :) Your pictures definitely did Rome justice (incase you were at all wondering)!
Jun 1, 2009 ~ 3:08pm
Elaine Oh my gosh...too funny! Wasn't sure what to expect! What a great sport she is! And Kudos to you for coming up with the idea/fantasy! LOL! Must be every male photographer's dream!!! Jun 1, 2009 ~ 8:19am
april todd That is hillarious! May 31, 2009 ~ 11:35pm
Matt Nicolosi @ Ginnie - Haha... is that pun intended? "Flash" photography? [grin] Okay, seriously, I do occasionally use flash when I shoot, but never a built-in pop-up flash and rarely even on-camera flash. I know some that use it and get great results, but I just can't get a look I'm happy with using on-camera flash most of the time. During outdoor (and some indoor) sessions, I use a flash (Nikon SB-800) with a 22x22" soft box attachment and fire it using Pocket Wizards. I usually have my assistant hold the light at the angle I want it at, but sometimes I'll use a light stand. Hope that helps.
@ Bryce - since she's your sister, awkward is the appropriate response. I'd be worried if you said something positive.
May 31, 2009 ~ 10:02pm
Bryce I dont even know what to put here.... other than the word "awkward" May 31, 2009 ~ 8:21pm
kendra Ah-ha-ha-ha! What a good sport!
May 31, 2009 ~ 6:30pm
Ginnie And I was thinking that's how you get your clients to smile so big...
PS- Just wondering, do you use a flash when you shoot?
May 31, 2009 ~ 11:30am
Stephanie You two are now *officially* my favorite couple ever.
May 31, 2009 ~ 9:00am
Suzy E LOL, very cute!!
May 31, 2009 ~ 8:35am