Such an interesting family story. Too bad she is so unattractive on the inside. Jul 18, 2017 ~ 2:39pm
Dawn Pickens Gorgeous....just GORGEOUS!!!! Jan 11, 2011 ~ 3:23pm
Laurie When, oh when, will you be presenting at a Dallas PPA meeting, or giving a class? You are SO talented!
Dec 8, 2010 ~ 8:19pm
Jess Curren Absolutely stunning! I love the natural interaction, the kid's expressions, and of course, your found light meter. Great job!
Dec 4, 2010 ~ 12:11am
lindey i had a big smile plastered on my face the entire way though this post! amazing doesn't do it justice.
Dec 3, 2010 ~ 11:26pm
anne mcquary holy wow. these are just stunning. every. last. one. Dec 3, 2010 ~ 7:43pm
Monica Monica These are just magical! You get all the gorgeous families. Is it my imagination or is there something different you're doing with the color? There's so much depth here and maybe it's just the fall hues. That's an incredible story as well. Dec 3, 2010 ~ 5:58pm
Dana Yay!!! These images make me feel soooo happy!!!
Dec 3, 2010 ~ 5:19pm
Janet Wisner wow. these images are breathtaking. and yet playful and fun. at the same time. you captured something priceless for them. you are incredibly talented.
Dec 3, 2010 ~ 1:47pm
Suzi These are wonderful Matt! I just loved the emotion in all of them! Thanks Jen for sharing your story! Dec 3, 2010 ~ 12:30pm
Teresa Fantastic!
Dec 3, 2010 ~ 12:18pm
Jamie This post is amazing on every level! Dec 3, 2010 ~ 11:28am
Kara Elmore Matt - these are stunning - and what you captured for her is priceless. Every emotion, every smile ... wow you can feel it all!
Dec 3, 2010 ~ 11:21am
Lisa Trakis These are stunning Matt. I have seriuos love for this session!
Dec 3, 2010 ~ 11:02am
Julie Sowers These are amazing! The story, the connections, the fun, the love....all there. Beautiful family and beautiful images. Dec 3, 2010 ~ 10:19am
Sunni Baker Sitting at work, looking at these amazing images, with tears in my eyes. So happy for Jen that she has these great images. I know from a personal experience, similar to Jen's, how incredibly important this session was. So happy for her, and amazing job to you! Dec 3, 2010 ~ 9:47am
Jennifer Weintraub Matt.
I think I've shown you exactly how much these mean to me with the happy tears at the viewing session, and my plethora of gushing emails and tweets. But once again, let me just say, this session was EXACTLY what I was hoping for when we first started talking about it last year.
Our new home will shine with happy images of our joyous family of four, captured in a way that only you could.
Plus, to see my gorgeous babies through your lens is magical.
Your light meter is still sad and lonely (I can't believe I forgot it after all that), but is snug and warm and will be happy to reunite with you soon ;)
Once again, thank you. So much.
Dec 3, 2010 ~ 9:22am
Becky Matt - What a beautiful family. You did an awesome job! Dec 3, 2010 ~ 9:00am
Aleza Divine! What an amazingly gorgeous family you've captured so genuinely & with heart. Dec 3, 2010 ~ 8:16am
Hallie Mathia incredibly gorgeous. love the weintraub family and LOVE these images so, so much. :) Dec 3, 2010 ~ 7:39am
Erick Claytor Matt... you never cease to amaze me with your God given eye for compositions! These images are absolutely incredible!
Dec 3, 2010 ~ 4:19am