Happy Birthday, Mia! (... and a Mattagor Replacement?)
WHO: Mia | WHAT: Dogs | WHEN: December 31, 2010 | WHERE: Casa de Nicolosi
2 years ago today, New Year's Eve 2008, our (first) little girl made her debut. I feel a little guilty now knowing that I really didn't want her when we first met her in March of 2009. I know that sounds bad, and it's not that she wasn't adorable at 11 weeks old. I mean, c'mon... all puppies cute at that age, right? It's just that I had my heart set on getting another Yorkie since the last one I had was such a great dog, and we were at the breeder that day to see one that was only 4wks old to see if she would be the one we would bring home a few weeks later. While we were there, the breeder lady had a brother & sister Morkie (Maltese + Yorkie) that were ready to go, and as soon as the little girl snuggled up on Kylie's lap and went to sleep... I knew any notion I had of getting a Yorkie was slipping away right before my eyes. Kylie was putty, and that Morkie pup knew it.
We left and discussed that night what we were going to do, and I still put up a little bit of a fight for a Yorkie. In the end I compromised, as many husbands do in marriage, and we got the little Morkie. And to this day, I couldn't be happier because really I've got the best of both worlds... 95% of the time Mia's a fantastic and the sweetest little girl, and the other 5% of the time when she's being less than stellar? I just sit back, smile, and I tell Kylie, "Well, you picked her."
Poor Mia's had a rough few days towards the end of the year. Kylie likes to dress her up, and she swears Mia likes it, too. Yeahhhh... don't Mia's expressions just scream excitement and delight at being paraded around in holiday clown suites?
Hey, exciting news, though! I think we may have found a Mattagor replacement. My mom got us an Ohio State gnome for Christmas (as a gag gift, I hope?), and while he's not as regal as Matty was, he might just do. He's in training right now, but the jury's still out...
... and if Mia's the jury, well, things don't look good for the gnome. They kinda look related in this next photo, though, don't they?
And to wrap up this post, below are a couple of my favorite images of Mia from the early days.
I still haven't completely forgiven Kylie for the day this next one happened.
See? More Christmas outfits. Sorry, Mia.
And finally, this was our first introduction to Mia at the breeders.
This is when I was pretty sure this would be the dog we'd end up coming
home with soon. And I'm glad we did.
Happy birthday, little girl. Enjoy the next couple months while you
still rule the roost around here. All that's about to change in April.
Stand-in Model
WHO: Mia | WHAT: Dogs | WHEN: November 14, 2010 | WHERE: in the living room
Just gettin' some practice in photographing little bodies before the baby arrives in a few months. Mia unwillingly took a time out from playin' fetch-the-rope-but-don't-give-it-back to stand-in as a model.
WHO: Mia | WHAT: Dogs | WHEN: September 16, 2010 | WHERE: Casa de Nicolosi
Me, Mia and the 85mm f/1.4 were out in the back yard this evening, and we all played nice with each other to create a few images of our little girl. She hasn't been on the blog lately, and she recently got a little trim and was feelin' extra spiffy, so I obliged her request for a little face time with the internet.
Nobody puts Mia in the corner. Except me. For this photo.
I was outside, and she was inside... so we had a staring contest through the screen window. I won. I always win. She has the attention span of a... dog.
Love it when she tilts her head like this. Like one of Pavlov's dogs, any time I need this look, any of the following phrases will result in the look below:
Wanna treat?
Wanna go for a ride?
Wanna play?
Where's your toy?
Is daddy your favorite?
Am I more awesome than mom?
Pretend you have a crick in your neck.
Tilt your head to the right if you think I'm an idiot.
Stare at me if you wish I'd go away.
A New Sheriff In Town
WHO: Mian and Alice | WHAT: Dogs | WHEN: July 25, 2010 | WHERE: The Backyard
Say hello to Alice. She recently acquired new parents in our next door neighbors Chase and Denise, and so by proxy she also gained a new best buddy in Mia. Alice was over for a play date with Mia last night, and here's a few images from their K-9 carousing.
Looks innocent enough, right?
Mia laughed at her at first.
Mia... no longer laughing. This is her oh-no,-is-she-behind-me?-she's-behind-me-isn't-she? look. You can always tell when Mia's a little nervous because her right ear, which usually stands up, lays down and covers her forehead. Alice is an instigator.
Annnnd this is pretty much how the rest of the evening went.
Either as a sign of protest or an affection for onions, Mia has recently started digging in the garden. She hasn't yet figured out how to cover her tracks. Guilty!
Mia - Checking In
WHO: Mia | WHAT: Dogs | WHEN: June 30, 2010 | WHERE: The Back Patio
It's been some time since Mia made a cameo on the blog, so today's her day, and she's makin' the most of it by sportin' her new wicked cool Buckeye sweater my dad sent her last month. In the spirit of OSU tradition, next up on the training list is teaching her to chew off the shoe laces of any Michiganites that might step foot in our house.
This next one is her signature Morkie look... one ear down (Maltese) and the other up (Yorkie). My mom says this look reminds her of the guys on the ground who use arm signals - often with one arm up and the other down - to direct airplanes into the gate, so she occasionally affectionately refers to Mia as "Runway".