Archive: October 2010 | View all recent posts
The Hortons ~ McKinney Family Photographer
WHO: Jace, Melanie, Tate & Nash | WHAT: Families, Kids | WHEN: October 29, 2010 | WHERE: McKinney, TX (Adriatica)
Say hello to the Hortons. I've known Jace and Melanie for several years when I first met them through a Dallas Sport and Social Club co-ed flag football league. That seems like such a long time ago when I think about it... we were still partying like it was 1999, these two didn't have kids yet, and photography wasn't even on my list of things to do in the future. Surely things have changed since then, but one thing that's remained constant is these two are a beautiful couple... and now their genes have obviously been passed down to their sons Tate and Nash. Oh, and by the way, lemme take a second to point out that I still think those are two of the coolest brother names around. Don't they just exude coolness? Watch out mom and dad... I think your boys might be just a little popular with the girls in the years to come.
Almost exactly two years ago to the day, I met up with the Hortons for a session at Arbor Hills Nature Preserve. This time we headed out to Adriatica in McKinney, and I'm really happy with the images we captured that day. Here are some of my favorites from our second go-around.
Loved Nash's rock star hair.
I posted this image in the sneak peek from a couple days ago, and it still makes me smile every time I see it. Just boys being boys.
Of all the great images we got, this is without a doubt my favorite. Two buddies just hangin' out. I'm imagining the conversation these two will have 30 years from now when they look back on this image.
Love the interaction in this one...
The Moores [Sneak Peek]
WHO: Bobby, Lana, Max & Sam | WHAT: Families, Kids | WHEN: October 28, 2010 | WHERE: McKinney, TX
I had a blast meeting up with Bobby & Lana and the boys again for a recent session, and they've got some fun images. Here's just one for now, but stay tuned for the rest of the story after they get a chance to see their images!
The Hortons [Sneak Peek]
WHO: The Hortons | WHAT: Families, Kids | WHEN: October 26, 2010 | WHERE: McKinney, TX
Here's a little preview of awesomeness otherwise known as the Horton Family... they'll be coming your way on the blog after they come in to see their images later this week!
A Lesson In Patience
WHO: The Lemon Tree | WHAT: Personal, Random | WHEN: October 26, 2010 | WHERE: Our Backyard
A few months after Kylie and I got married, Kylie bought a lemon tree for a pot on the back patio, and I was almost immediately delusional with visions of pitcher after pitcher of fresh lemonade I would be drinking later in the summer as I basked in the sun on the back patio while reading a good book or two. In my utopia Mia was even bringing me fresh strawberries on demand. In real life, none of those things happened. The lemon tree - unbeknownst to me - in most cases takes years to bear its first fruit. My body currently looks like it hasn't seen the sun since 2002. I've started about 8 books since the beginning of the year and haven't finished any of them. And Mia, well, the only things she brings me are her ratty toys and dead birds.
And little did I know that lemon trees aren't supposed to be subject to temperature below 40 degrees, so when Kylie asked me to bring the tree inside and put it in the bath tub in the master bathroom for the winter last year, I was like, Whuh??
Fast forward to 2 weeks ago, and our little expriment in patience was finally rewarded as we picked two whole lemons off our little tree. Wo-hoo! While not exactly the bountiful crop I was hoping for (or even enough to make a glass of fresh lemonade), that's not too bad considering it's only been about a year and half since we planted the tree. Next year I'm retiring on the harvest from our little lemon maker.
Hey look... Kylie's checkin' out her lemons.
In other news, lots of things to post in the near future including a few new client sessions and a tutorial on how I create my black & white finish for my images. Until then, you'll have to exercise a little patience of your own, grasshoppers.
The Reames [Boston Family Photographer]
WHO: Aaron, Jen, Spencer and Alexandra | WHAT: Families, Kids | WHEN: October 19, 2010 | WHERE: Boston
I couple things about Kylie and I's recent getaway to New England didn't exactly go as planned, namely that pesky little bout with phlebitis and the aches and chills I had for the first couple days. We were supposed to stay with my cousin Aaron, his wife Jen and their kids our first night after flying into Boston, but because we weren't sure what was going on with me and at the time suspected the flu, we thought it would be best for Kylie and I to get a hotel room that night to avoid getting anyone else sick. We were really bummed because we love hanging out with them, and we weren't sure we'd get another chance to on that trip since the the next day we were supposed to drive to Maine.
Well, the following morning I woke up probably looking and surely feeling like death eating a cracker, so we postponed the start of our drive to Maine to see if we could find a doctor to visit and see what was going on since I had this scary looking thing going on with my leg. Turns out there was a small clinic with doctors in our insurance network literally right across the street from my cousin's house in Swampscott. It was bizarre to travel all the way from Dallas and be right across the street from Jen and Aaron's house, see Jen and the kids in the front yard, and talk to her from across the road without being able to just go over and hang out with them.
Anywho, long story short, Kylie and I ended up ditching our Camp Crystal Lake-ish hotel in Stowe, VT the last night of our trip to be able to head back to Swampscott (near Boston) and squeeze in our visit with the Reames clan since by then I'd been declared a non-pandemic threat. We got to their house just before the sun started going down, so I called right before we arrived and suggested we could try and squeeze in a couple quick photos out of the remaining light to see if we couldn't get something for a Christmas card image.
Here's a few of the casual images we got.
Little Alexandra's grown a ton since we saw her and the rest of the family last November in Dallas.
Spencer and Alexandra now have a killer playground set in their back yard. Don't think it didn't cross my mind do go down the slide. Backwards. And upside down. In a rare and unfamiliar return to better judgement, I bailed on that idea.
This is what pure, uninhibited fun looks like.
Meet Chesney. She's an American Mastiff, and she's still just a pup on
her way to to being around 150lbs if I remember correctly. She's a
horse already, but she's the sweetest horse you'll ever meet.
And finally, Jen picked up my camera and snapped of this little gem. Notice Spencer in awe of my [quickly fading] high school quarterback skills. I've still got a little left in me, although by the look on my face, it appears I just pulled my aorta on this particular throw.
Thanks again, Aaron & Jen for your hospitality. We love you guys and can't wait to see you again!