Archive: April 2009 | View all recent posts
Day 119 ~ Jen
WHAT: Portraits, Project 365 (2009) | WHEN: April 29, 2009
Last night I had the pleasure of working out via osmosis. Meet my exercise-by-proxy partner, Jen. She is a couple days away from graduating from Baylor University and is wasting no time making a name for herself after school. She's got plans to start her own personal fitness trainer business, and she's hoping to land a trainer spot on The Biggest Loser. She recently auditioned at an open call for the show and received a call back, so she's on her way.
Jen needed a few images for both her business venture and the call back, so we got together last night and did a session to create a few portfolio images for her. It's not often I dig the studio lights outta the closet, dust 'em off, and take 'em on location with me. I use them so infrequently that most times I'm semi holding my breath and crossing my fingers that they still turn on. Because I don't shoot much with all artificial light, it's usually pretty fun when I do because it's a nice change of pace. Doesn't hurt to have a rock star like Jen to photograph either.
Here's a few of my favorite images from last night. |
I would be remiss if I didn't mention that the images below would not have been possible on 2 fronts without the help of Jen's sister Rachel. I first met Rachel and her husband Jordan by way of a church group I'm in with Jordan, and then they were in the same pre-marital class that Kylie and I were in. Rachel passed on my info to Jen to get the ball rolling, and then she was a trooper and got the real workout during the session by holding lights and reflectors above her head most of the night. Thanks, Rachel! If you're lookin' for some part-time work, you can be my assistant anytime. |
Interview with the Soul Sistas
WHAT: News | WHEN: April 29, 2009
The wonderful Skye Hardwick, half of the Soul Sistas duo (along with Michele Huesgen) and a fantastically talented children's photographer, was kind enough to interview me over on the Soul Sistas blog to discuss - among other things - married life, my photography, the new textures, what inspires me, and my [lack of a diverse] music library.
I met sky at a workshop she put on last year in Austin. If you haven't seen her work, be prepared to spend some time getting lost in the beauty of her images over on her site. I've never met another photographer that captures these amazing looks on kids faces like Skye does.
Thanks, Skye for the gracious offer to interview me. To read the interview, click here.
Day 118 ~ Workin' the Guns
WHAT: Fun, Project 365 (2009) | WHEN: April 29, 2009
I did somethin' tonight I've never done. Worked out? Ha ha... funny, but no. I photographed a fitness model. More on that in an upcoming post.
For now, enjoy the gun show. (Now that's funny) Guess I thought after I was finally able to get the 5lb. dumbbell curled, I might as well celebrate with a congratulatory kiss. Way to go, me. Hit the shower. |
Coming Soon ~ The Human Experience
WHAT: Random | WHEN: April 27, 2009
Thanks to Kimbrali for letting me know about this. I can't wait to see it. Watch the trailer here.
Day 116 ~ The Peaslees
WHAT: Families, Project 365 (2009) | WHEN: April 26, 2009
It was a long day, but a good one. Got up at 3:45am Dallas-time to do a deja-vu Toronto exit after my flight was cancelled last night, Then - after waiting to see what the weather was gonna do - met up with the wonderful Peaslees for a little urban family session down in the Deep Ellum Arts District late this afternoon. I am currently downloading the images, and here's a quick peak at what's to come when I post a few more images from this session in the near future.
Big sister Hannah, little sister Leah, Elizabeth and Chris were a ton of fun... can't wait to go through the rest of the images. Stay tuned! |