katherine robertson she may need to go to the Poodle Salon for her nails!~ Jul 14, 2009 ~ 7:54am
Jodie M Love Mia's pics! Thanks for taking time to be interviewed for the Swet Spot photo forum!! Jul 13, 2009 ~ 3:22pm
Matt Nicolosi Patrick, she's actually a Morkie (Maltese + Yorkie)... does that buy me anything?
Jul 13, 2009 ~ 1:34pm
tanya Matt this is great! I had to laugh out loud at this one. Wow the before & after are pretty amazing! What a cutie!
Jul 12, 2009 ~ 9:53pm
Monica She look so pretty. Did you take her to flag football with you? Jul 12, 2009 ~ 5:06pm
Patrick No worries, Matt. However, I fear that you may have lost your man card long, long ago -right around the time you got a Yorkie.
Chin up, lil' camper. It happens to the best of us. Jul 12, 2009 ~ 2:42pm
Candy Oh.....she looks so much more....I don't know....grown up now...
Jul 12, 2009 ~ 10:13am
Kathy Norwood Matt, Our family motto, creed and crest reads, "We are not laughing with you...we are laughing at you." So keep up the good work. Mia will grow up to be a well-adjusted, slightly sarcastic teenager one day and she will get you back!
Jul 12, 2009 ~ 9:08am
Shelley Rankin She is totally adorable. Love those pink bows... and the one ear in the air! :)
painted dog toes. Hmmm. Jul 12, 2009 ~ 7:48am