Sam & Sandy Hamby Sr. No words could ever express the fantastic beautiful job you did on this in ALL aspects ! The Oxford Family is part my Family & May the Spirits be with you & them to keep you safe & help the healing. THANK-YOU for what you do !! Sep 27, 2015 ~ 5:14pm
Phil Chivers Words simply cannot describe how you transform real life into images! Sep 2, 2009 ~ 11:27am
Renee Matt, you are an inspired photographer and have captured the true faith and love that lives in this family. This is a gift that all of us who love and support the Oxford family will cherish. Jul 21, 2009 ~ 10:19am
Lisa Lawrence What an incredible story. You captured this little boys soul...God was with you as you took these, Matt. They are truely amazing. I will pray for the miracle he and his family deserve. Jul 21, 2009 ~ 3:05am
Karen how did i miss this post??? it was the most moving one heart and prayers fervently go out to nate and his family. please keep us updated on his progress.
Jul 20, 2009 ~ 11:33pm
Gina Oh, Matt. My heart, eyes, and soul are crying for this little guy and his family. This little guy will remain in my thoughts, and conversations with God.
Jul 18, 2009 ~ 8:10pm
Elaine Beautiful.... Jul 18, 2009 ~ 9:17am
vanessa diel All I can say is WOW! This is soo touching. These will be cherished forever. I will lift them up in prayer.
Jul 17, 2009 ~ 11:46pm
Misty Torres WOW!!!! That is all I can say... This is truly a priceless memory for the Oxford family. You did an awesome job on all the photos and the slideshow. Truly amazing. I am lifting this family up in my prayers daily. I hope the rest of you will do the same. Nate is such a beautiful little boy and just full of life. May God bless you. Jul 17, 2009 ~ 7:03am
Karen Hill I am amazed how you captured such is not a strong enough word for what you were able to express with and for the Oxfords. Honestly I am not even sure how or when I started following Little Nate but I have been in prayer for him and his family daily. God performed a miracle and healed me; it can happen. Thank you for allowing me to actually see Nate and his family. Jul 16, 2009 ~ 8:54pm
Nancy Cuppy Saying prayers for Nate and his family they really do work. What inspirational photos. Will keep the Oxfords in our prayers.
Jul 16, 2009 ~ 8:15pm
Stacey I certainly will pray for little Nate and his family! Beautiful memories that you captured for them, Matt!
Jul 16, 2009 ~ 7:14pm
Nancy i pray that little nate is here many ears from now to view these beautiful memories that you captured for him and his families. Jul 16, 2009 ~ 2:57pm
Sheila Greenhill These are wonderful photos. Be
stong Nate. Jul 16, 2009 ~ 1:01pm
Rhonda To all, what you see is the essence of the Oxford family - love, faith and a desire to glorify God in the midst of this journey. These pictures abosolutely define the love of 3 brothers, the nurturing of Wes and Jackie and the joy in their love. They have touched my life and I will never be the same. Matt, thank you for loving God and sharing that love with all of us. Blessings to all who cry out for Little Nate. God is Good, God is Great, God thank you for the gift of Nate. Jul 16, 2009 ~ 7:27am
Toni Holloway You have captured the spirit of this family in your beautiful work. It was such a blessing to see. Thank you. Jul 15, 2009 ~ 10:33pm
Josephine Aguilar Beautiful pics . Thanks to Matt and the Osford family for sharing with us. My prayers for Matt and his family. We will continue to spread the word to my friends in El Paso, Tex. God Bless. Jul 15, 2009 ~ 6:02pm
Lana Matt, Thank you for being such a dear friend. This is so incredibly special. Your gifts are being used for His glory. Thank you.
Jul 15, 2009 ~ 3:41pm
Candice What a LASTING gift. After the chemo and radiation Nate will go through ,this video will be proof to all of the love his family has and that he really is Superman. GOD IS GOOD. Fantastic job Matt. Jul 15, 2009 ~ 3:23pm
Candice What a last gift for this family. Their love captured on film. Prayers are being sent to God for Nate and his family. Jul 15, 2009 ~ 3:19pm
Christian Baker What a precious family....and what a gift from God little Nate is... I do not know this family....but came across Nate's story through friends. I have been following his progression and praying for him and his family. This slideshow was such a gift to someone like me who has never seen this little boy. I am so happy to be able to put a face to a name. Nate will be etched in my heart forever.
Our prayers are will each of you. Jul 15, 2009 ~ 1:43pm
Julie Thank you for putting together photos of my nephews it really shows the essence of the family. We love little Nate and know that God is awesome and will lift him up to do great things. Thank you so much. Jul 15, 2009 ~ 1:22pm
Gay Miller Such beautiful pictures of such a great family. I don't know you but would like too. What a grand gesture and given in such a loving way. So nice to see so many Christians rallying to do such nice things for the Oxford's. Let the prayers go up.
Jul 15, 2009 ~ 1:21pm
Carolin These photos are wonderful. I pray that God blesses this beautiful family. Jul 15, 2009 ~ 1:21pm
Rich Lewis I wanted to Thank You for putting together the Photos for the Oxfords. It was awesome and knowing the Oxfords, it really captured the Spirit and Soul of Nate and the Family. It is probably the best pictures of the family I have seen, and it is touching people across our community.
Thank You for sharing such a Gift and Talent,
God Bess! Jul 15, 2009 ~ 12:38pm
jason Matt,
the photos are beautiful and really show these kids being kids. The brotherly connection is clear here. Nate's story is heart-wrenching. Ten years ago cancer took my best friend. His name was Nate. Our family will certainly be praying for him and his family.
Jul 15, 2009 ~ 11:28am
Jennifer Simply beautiful! Your images brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for giving this lovely family such an amazig gift! Jul 15, 2009 ~ 9:46am
Tina Tuerck Most beautiful photos of precious little boys I have ever seen. Thank you for sharing them with us. You have such a gift. Nate is always in our thoughts and prayers. Jul 15, 2009 ~ 8:34am
Molly W. Great pictures, Matt. Praying for little Nate and his family.
Jul 14, 2009 ~ 11:27pm
Schrode Bro - God continues to use you in amazing ways to touch the lives and hearts of people you do not even know through His gift to you in photography... May He bless you for your willing heart to serve Him by serving others.
The story of little Nate brought tears to my eyes. He and his family certainly are in my prayers tonight.
I am reminded of the truth that regardless of our circumstances, God is still in control..... Jul 14, 2009 ~ 11:00pm
Amanda H Your images have captured the beauty and love they have for one another so perfectly. You are so talented. I just sat here crying while viewing them. Many prayers will be said for this family.
Jul 14, 2009 ~ 10:49pm
Heather Little Nate and his family are in my prayers. Stunning images.
Jul 14, 2009 ~ 10:14pm
Sharon What a blessing you have given this family. My prayers will be with them all.
Jul 14, 2009 ~ 9:41pm
Mario Moreno Sad story, I am sure the family appreciates this remarkable gift you have given them. I enjoyed your photos and will keep little Nate in my prayers.
Jul 14, 2009 ~ 9:41pm
sally life captured beautifully matt.
prayers said for nate and his entire family.
Jul 14, 2009 ~ 8:23pm
rs i pray for little nate too...Lord I beseach you to please heal this little boy for Your glory Lord - so that his story can be proclaimed for the world to see Your power...Lord, though, no matter what happens, You are can we say that when such a handsome little boy as precious as nate is suffering so? Look at this smile..just look at the joy he brings others around him - You know pain Lord and You suffered for us (John 3:16) - whatever Your will, whatever Your glorified. Please be with the O family as they endure this excruciating trial - give them comfort, grace, and a peace that surpasses all understanding. O family: your son is absolutely adorable - they all are. Matt you captured life in such a way that made me sob and touched my heart and soul with this post. Thank you for sharing this...again, "I pray for little nate" too. :) (smiles through tears for his brave little soul and beautiful smiles..) Jul 14, 2009 ~ 3:24pm
Cindy Harter Matt... these images are perfection. The song you chose only enhances the work you did. I am praying and will continue to pray that little Nate stays with the people he loves and they have more of a story left to write here... thank you for sharing !
Jul 14, 2009 ~ 11:45am
Candy And I LOVE the Superman cape. My daughter met her best friend when she was going through 2-1/2 years of chemotherapy for leukemia. He had bone cancer. And a Superman t-shirt. These kids are superheroes.
Jul 14, 2009 ~ 11:42am
Candy I don't need to tell you what you have done for this family. You already know. They have my prayers.
Jul 14, 2009 ~ 11:40am
Nicole McLaughlin This was really emotional for me, i was crying before I read one word. I have 3 boys. They are exactly the same ages. I could look at these beautiful photos and easily replace their faces with my boys, and I-cant-imagine what they are going thru. It absolutely breaks my heart into just to try to imagine it. I will be praying for them everyday! It also a reminder at how wonderful it is to give the gift of photography to a family.
Jul 14, 2009 ~ 11:28am
Paige What an amazing gift you have given this family. The love and warmth they share is so evident in these images. Sending prayers for comfort and strength for Nate and his family.
Jul 14, 2009 ~ 10:52am
Teri Oh my!! What a beautiful family. I will be praying for little Nate. Jul 14, 2009 ~ 10:48am
elena oh, my... this is heart wrenching. Praying for them.
Jul 14, 2009 ~ 9:42am
Verena Prayers sent on for Nate and his family. These pictures had me in tears. They're absolutely beautiful and capture the spirits of these little boys and this family perfectly. Thank you :D Jul 14, 2009 ~ 8:32am
Robin The images are so beautiful - real, emotional, profound. This family will be forever grateful to have this evening captured forever. God has given you great talent and you have used it well. Jul 14, 2009 ~ 8:22am
Becky P.S. I love the slide show. So glad I didn't have my make up on yet. Jul 14, 2009 ~ 8:04am
Becky I've been following the trials of Nate and his family through FB. I'm so glad you were able to photograph them. Wonderful pictures as always, Matt! Great job1 Jul 14, 2009 ~ 7:59am
Patrick Excellent work, Matt. Your ability to capture the subtle but profound emotion of the moment is unparalleled. Jul 14, 2009 ~ 7:53am
katherine robertson such beautiful photos of a special love between all of the boys and parents... brought tears to my eyes, as the love is so visible. my prayers are with Nate and all of the family, will keep praying for a miracle!
Jul 14, 2009 ~ 7:51am
Monica I am a puddle. These images are so touching. Prayers sent and streaming. Jul 14, 2009 ~ 7:43am
Angie Baxter Such a beautiful boy - so magically captured with his family by you. I send my prayers and strength to his parents and brothers.
Jul 14, 2009 ~ 2:34am