Jim  If you could delineate cuteness on a scale of 0 to 10, she is an emphatic 15! I especially loved the lollipop scene! Thank you for sharing!  Apr 23, 2013 ~ 12:30pm
Stacey R  Wow! Another tear jerker! She is just adorable!  Apr 17, 2013 ~ 2:53pm
Ardis W  What a cutie! She looks like a good mix of you and your wife. What a special memory for her to keep.  Apr 17, 2013 ~ 11:23am
Michele Poole  Wow, what a dad! Brought me to tears. How priceless. What a beautiful gift she'll cherish forever. And I cannot believe it's been TWO years?  Apr 17, 2013 ~ 9:08am
Sam Curren  I love it! I was a little surprised at the steadiness of most of your shots. Do you use a steadycam rig of some sort, software applied steadycam, or are you just that awesome?  Apr 17, 2013 ~ 8:16am